Online Courses
Study at your own pace
Why eLearning?
Book one of our online training courses and benefit from
Same day certification from just £9.99
you'll be hard pressed to find better quality and value for money.
Benefits include;
Learn anywhere, anytime, gain recognised qualifications at a pace and location that suits you. our online courses cover a wide range of subjects.
Learning is quick, easy to organise, less expensive and staff can do it from the comfort of their own home, vastly improving completion rates!
Online learning means it has never been easier to gain a qualification You can take your course anytime that suits you as its online 24/7 We recommend our online courses are undertaken in a suitable environment – somewhere that is quiet and free from distraction and interruption.
Your course is accessible on most devices, including mobiles, tablets and iPads. Our eLearning courses have been create suitable across all devices. However we recommend the course is taken on a screen size of 10″. If this is not possible the absolute minimum screen size is 7″, ensure that your web browser is up to date and has sound enabled
Most of our courses can be completed in a couple of hours
On completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate of Training available as an instant download
Online Training Available - Call now - 0333 666 1881
•Abrasive Wheels
•Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5
•Alcohol Personal Licence Holder
•Allergen Awareness
•Anti-Bribery and Corruption
•Anti-Harassment and Bullying
•Assessing Display Screen Equipment
•Autism Awareness
•Basic Fire Safety Awareness
•Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes
•Basic Legionella Management
•Behavioural Safety
•CDM Awareness
•Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
•Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
•Customer Service
•Dementia Awareness
•Developing Good Employee Relations
•Developing Teamwork
•Diabetes Awareness
•Dignity and Privacy
•Disciplinary Procedures
•Display Screen Equipment Awareness
•Drug and Alcohol Awareness
•Duty of Care
•Effective Delegation
•Electrical Safety
•Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher
•End of Life Care
•Epilepsy Awareness
•Equality, Diversity and Discrimination
•Facebook for Business
•Fire Extinguisher
•Fire Marshal
•Fire Marshal for Care Homes
•Handling Information in a Care Setting
•Infection Control
•Introducing GDPR
•Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage
•Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
•Introduction to HACCP Level 2
•Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers
•Introduction to Risk Assessment
•Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines
•Leadership Skills
•Learning Disability Awareness
•Level 1 Food Safety - Catering
•Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing
•Level 1 Food Safety - Retail
•Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)
•Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Accredited Exam
•Level 2 Food Safety – Catering
•Level 2 Food Safety – Manufacturing
•Level 2 Food Safety – Retail
•Licensed Premises Staff Training
•LinkedIn for Business
•Lockdown Procedure in Schools
•Managing Meetings
•Managing Sickness and Absence
•Manual Handling
•Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards
•Mental Health Awareness
•Noise Awareness
•Nutrition and Hydration
•Objective Setting
•Paediatric First Aid
•Personal Protective Equipment
•Person-Centred Care
•Positive Handling in Schools
•Presentation Skills
•Prevent Duty
•Principles of Communication
•Project Management
•Safeguarding Adults
•Safeguarding Children
•Sales Skills
•Search Engine Optimisation for Business
•Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
•Sharps Awareness
•Slips, Trips and Falls
•Social Media for Business
•Stress Management
•Stroke Awareness
•Supervising Food Safety - Level 3
•The Principles of Performance Management
•Time Management
•Twitter for Business
•Understanding your Role in Care
•Working at Height
•Working in Confined Spaces
•Working Safely
•Working Within the Private Security Industry
•Workplace Health and Safety
•Your Personal Development
Online Training Available - Call now - 0333 666 1881