Safety Lanyards

Connecting your harness to the anchor point ...and it's this crucial link that is very often compromised by operators who routinely work in difficult areas, subjecting the lanyard to a variety of abrasive surfaces which may have a detrimental effect. Our response is to offer a complete range of lanyards including webbing, rope and chain to ensure maximum choice, flexibility and most important of all safety.
Webbing Lanyard & Shock Absorber RGL1

Rope Lanyard & Shock Absorber RGL2

RGL5R/1 Single Leg Rope Restraint Lanyard
Single Leg Webbing Restraint Lanyard RGL5

Twin Leg Rope Lanyard & Shock Absorber RGL8
Adjustable Restraint Lanyard RGL12
Twin Leg Restraint Lanyard RGL14

RGL28 Chaser