The use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) has increased as the benefits for productivity and safety are recognised. MEWPs are acknowledged to be one of the safest and most efficient means of enabling temporary working at height.
Between 2016 and 2020, incidents entered into the IPAF accident reporting portal from 15 countries identified that 73 people died in entrapment incidents globally. Entrapment injuries to persons in the MEWP platform are usually serious and often fatal. This guidance produced by the MEWP group of the Plant Safety Group (PSG) sets out to inform you of measures to reduce the risk and number of entrapment incidents by providing guidance on planning, risk assessment, MEWP selection, operator training, familiarisation, and rescue.
The purpose of this document is to provide information, and good-practice guidance on means of reducing exposure to trapping and crushing hazards while using a MEWP.
The information and guidance provided is presented in the context of subject matter to be considered when planning, risk assessing and managing work activities involving MEWPs, with an emphasis on avoiding trapping and crushing of occupants in the platform.
The document is written in two parts:
- Part 1 is aimed at anyone involved in planning and risk assessing work with MEWPs, specifying equipment, managing the work, and organising training for those working with MEWPs.
- Part 2 is aimed at those using and supervising MEWPs and those responsible for rescuing persons trapped or crushed in a MEWP platform. It has been designed to be used in briefings or toolbox talks for supervisors and MEWP operators.
Note: This document is not intended to provide complete guidance on all aspects of MEWP operation and safety, it should be used in conjunction with other relevant regulations, statutory guidelines, industry guidance, and codes of practice e.g. HSE GEIS6 – The selection, management and use of mobile elevated work platforms (1), and BS8460:Code of Practice Safe Use of MEWPs (2).